No Banker Left Behind (Aug 2013)


Source: NY Times – No Banker Left Behind

Notable excerpts:

The Detroit bankruptcy case has been cast as a contest between bondholders and pensioners that can be resolved only by shared sacrifice.

In principle, we have no problem with that, though in practice, the pensioners’ fair share will have to take into account their extreme vulnerability: Public pensions are not federally insured and many municipal retirees do not receive Social Security.

What we do have a problem with is shared sacrifice that does not seem to apply to the big banks that abetted Detroit’s descent into bankruptcy.

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Silver Vault For 200 Tons Starts In Singapore As Wealthy Buy (Jul 2013)


Source: Bloomberg – Silver Vault for 200 Tons Starts in Singapore as Wealthy Buy

Notable excerpts:

A silver vault that can hold 200 metric tons opens in Singapore this week to cater for increasing demand for physical precious metals among Asia’s wealthy even as the commodity leads declines this year.

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The House Edge: A Shuffle of Aluminum, But to Banks, Pure Gold (Jul 2013)


Source: CNBC – The House Edge: A Shuffle of Aluminum, but to Banks, Pure Gold

Notable excerpts:

Hundreds of millions of times a day, thirsty Americans open a can of soda, beer or juice. And every time they do it, they pay a fraction of a penny more because of a shrewd maneuver by Goldman Sachs and other financial players that ultimately costs consumers billions of dollars.

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JPMorgan to Pay $410 Million in U.S. FERC Settlement (Jul 2013)


Source: Bloomberg – JPMorgan to Pay $410 Million in U.S. FERC Settlement

Notable excerpts:

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) will pay $410 million to settle U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission allegations that the bank manipulated power markets, enriching itself at the expense of consumers in California and the Midwest from 2010 to 2012.

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